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Easing A Swollen Belly & Back Again

Last Saturday (4 days ago) was the first time Ziggaro has ever had fluid drained. His belly was so tight and swollen, there's no denying he felt shitty.  So I pulled the trigger & said lets do it. Weigh in was 9 pounds. After draining 12.8 ounces he was handed back at 8.2 pounds. There was visible clear & immediate relief.  Ooooooooooh holla hallelujahhh!

Keep in mind we're talking about my guy, who on a fat day (like when some anon member of my family fed him an entire hotdog... or worse), used to hit the big 7 and we all wondered what in the world was happening. Most of his adult life has been spent between a very fit & trim 6.2 - 6.8 pounds, despite his ravenous appetite for anything & everything.


He did have a little leaking from the needle holes the evening of & into the next day. But we wrapped him right up, much to his displeasure, and got it under control.

Anyway, apparently all dogs are different when it comes to these fluid dumps. For some the relief ends before they arrive home. For others it lasts weeks or months. For Ziggaro it appears to have lasted 4 days. Tonight, he's swollen back up - albeit not completely. Tonight, I am trying not to lose my shit - albeit not completely.